Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The Hudsucker Proxy

I watched this movie once in marketing class. Although I didn't watch all of it, I was lucky enough to watch it again and I find this movie to be a true classic. This film is great for anyone who wants to succeed in business, would find this movie a real inspiration.

This movie is about a guy named Norville who came to New York City looking for a job. Because he didn't have any experience, he took a job as a clerk in a mailroom. Later Norville was sent upstairs with a blue letter to be given to Mussburger, a board of director's member who plans to buy Hudsucker's stock before its made available to the public. He plans on hiring an idiot as president after their, now deceased, president committed suicide. Besides giving Mussburger the blue letter, he showed his idea of what appears to be a round shape on a piece of paper. Mussburger finds this guy to be a real idiot. So he hires him as president of Hudsucker industries. Meanwhile Amy, a reporter, who was told to write a story about this new president of Hudsucker industries, found Norville at a local cafe and decides to disguise herself. As they led away to his office, Amy said she was from Muncie. Norville, a college graduate who went there, got very excited, then hires Amy as his secretary. At the ball, Amy felt sorry for Norville who insulted two stockholders. Amy tried to convince Norville who she really was but didn't. Afterwards, they ended up kissing each other as the next day arrives.

Norville showed the board members his new invention. The invention brought the company to greater success. Soon afterwards, Norville slowly begins to run out of ideas. Buzz, the elevator guy, showed his "Buddy" his own invention. Mentally distressed, he fired Buzz because he didn't come up with it himself. Meanwhile, Mussburger found out who Amy really was and was concerned for the security of Hudsucker industries. He informed Norville and planned on firing him from president. Jobless and wrecked, Norville found Amy and was angry at her for not revealing her trueself. Amy pleaded for forgivness but walked out on her. Later Norville runs into Buzz who got his job back and told the crowd that Norville stoled his invention idea. He led the crowd to chase Norville back to Hudsucker industries. Norville decides to jump out of the window dressed in his mail clerkroom uniform. But as he change his mind and turns back, he slipped and fell. But something remarkable happened: time freezes. Still in midair, a descending mysterious angel from the sky came to inform Norville about the blue letter he forgot to give to Mussburger. That letter will tell the future of Hudsucker industries and only Norville and you will know if you watch this movie!

The whole idea of this theme have really brought itself together from beginning to end. The director did a great job at recreating that theme throughout the entire movie. It reminds the audience of what this movie is based upon. The writing was pure genius. The movie brought a message to the audience which deals with success and failure. The setting in the 1950s made the movie looked believable. The acting was terrific and funny. I think Tim Robbins did a great job as the main character. He really brought himself through the screen. So did Jennifer Jason Leigh. Her performance was outstanding and I expect to see more of her in the future. This movie is unforgetable. I happen to like it and I would recommend this movie to anyone.


My least favorite movie would have to be "O", the 2001 modern day "teen" version of Shakespeare's play, Othello.
In the modern day version of Othello, Odin (Mekhi Phifer), becomes this most popular player on the basketball team and is dating Dean Brable's (John Heard) daughter, Desi (Julia Stiles). When Duke (Martin Sheen), the basketball coach, presents the MVP (most valuable player) award to Odin, Hugo (Josh Harnett) the coach's son, expressed his jealously towards the popularity of Odin's reputation as a basketball player. At an afterparty, Hugo plans his doubt of insanity to his best friend, Roger (Elden Henson), who happens to have a crush on Desi, on destroying Odin, first with his relationship with Desi. Hugo asked Roger to tell the Dean that his daughter was raped by Odin, so if they split, Roger would take her. When that fails, Hugo with Roger said he would infest lies and doubts into Odins mind in making him believe that Desi is cheating on him with his best friend, Michael Cassio (Andrew Keegan), a basketball player who closely works with Odin. First, Roger must spark a fight with Michael in hoping he would lose his place on the basketball team. When Michael got suspended, Hugo put his plan further into action. Emily (Rain Phoenix) Hugo's girlfriend, steals a scarf that belongs to Desi to Hugo to give to Michael. Odin begins to suspect that Desi may indeed be cheating on him with Michael. Odin, along with Hugo and Roger thoughtout on killing Desi and Michael. At night during a basketball game, Hugo and Roger decides to kill Michael in a pull-over accident. When Roger fails to kill Michael, Hugo killed both of them. At another place, Odin with Desi, begins questioning her about their relationship. Desi confesses she was faithful to him the entire time. Odin, begins to get angry and kill Desi with his barehands. After she died, Hugo walked in with the scarf and the gun used to kill Michael and Roger. Odin then realizes everything was made up and that Desi was indeed faithful to him. He told Hugo to tell everyone the truth. Realizing his mistake, he picked up the gun and killed himself. Later, Hugo was taken into custody and that would be the end of it.

I find this movie very disturbing to watch because it promotes violence, drugs and jealously. Speaking of violence, you see Roger trying to kill Michael with a gun. Then Hugo used the gun to kill both Roger and Michael. At the end of the movie, Hugo was able to influence Odin into killing Desi. At that time, he was on drugs which led to his violent behavior. As far as jealousy, it was obvious throughout the beginning and end that Hugo was extremely jealous of Odin.

This movie shouldn't be made in a teen's version because like all teens movie, it's lame. I think this movie kills the actual Shakespearan play. I also find it pretty lame as the actors acted their own dialogues. Josh, on the other hand, came out as the stronger character. His envy, intelligence and self-absorbed behavior was almost made believable. Martin Sheen, who plays Duke, a basketball coach, was very overwhelming to watch like in all of his movies, he stood out and can be very raw. I wouldn't recommend this movie to anyone. There are other Othello movies that are far more greater to watch than this.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Haggard: The Movie

My most favorite movie of all times would have to be Haggard: The Movie. I've watched this movie several times and I find it to be completely hilarious. This film is full of comedy and laughter. If you're looking for a movie to laugh at, then this is probably for you.

This movie is based on a true story of Ryan Dunn who plays himself in the movie. He was cheated by his girlfriend, Glauren (Jenn Rivell). After being separated, Ryan Dunn when through a period of severe depression. He was deeply in love with Glauren and would do anything to win her back. One day he received a phone call from Glauren. They were arguing back and forth until she finally said that she was seeing someone by name of "Hellboy". Freaked out, he ran to find his best friend, Valo (Bam Margera). Ryan was going insane about this guy named Hellboy. He ended up beating this random guy who he think was making fun of him and he got his eye stabbed with a fork by some girl. When Valo asked him what would make him feel better? Ryan said he wants him and Falcone to vandalize his girlfriend's house. He would pay them each $100 to do it. Throughout the movie, Ryan continues to get beat up by the locals and running in trouble with the law. He now believes that Glauren may be sleeping with Hellboy. So he asked his friend, Valo and Falcone to break into Glauren's house and tape up evidence. If he knows she's cheating on him, he'll leave her for good. Surprisingly, they found out more than they expected to see.

This is a great movie for anyone out there to enjoy. I wouldn't recommend this movie to anyone underage because there is a strong use of vulgar language and explicit scenes. However I do recommend this movie to anyone overage who do like vulgar language and explicit scenes and is a fan of CKY, skateboarding and rock n roll, this movie is a must see!